19. Mai 2022
Horasis Global Meeting, Virtual Event
Mathias Ernst als Moderator
Thema: Enhancing Black Swan Resistance
4. März 2022
Horasis USA Meeting, Virtual Event
Mathias Ernst als Moderator
Thema: America’s Future of Work
26. November 2021
Horasis Asia Meeting, Virtual Event
Mathias Ernst als Panelist
Thema: The Future of Manufacturing Efficiency Across Asia
23. Oktober 2021
MAH Management Academy Heidelberger Schloss Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany
Weiterbildung als Grundpfeiler gesellschaftlichen Wohlstands
Mathias Ernst als Moderator
23. Oktober 2021
Evangelischer Diakonieverein Berlin Zehndorf e.V.
Online-Ethikkongress „Ad fontes – Vom Staunen zum Tun“
Mathias Ernst als Speaker
Thema: Geld verdienen im Gesundheitswesen – ethisch vertretbar?
24. Juli 2021
Horasis India Meeting, virtual event
Co-host: Confederation of Indian Industries (CII)
Mathias Ernst als Panelist
Thema: Strategic Management for a Pandemized World
8. Juni 2021
Horasis Global Meeting, virtual event
Mathias Ernst als Panelist
Thema: Rethinking Global Investment Strategies
13. – 14. April 2021
ESG & Impact Investing Forum, Opal Group, New York City, USA
Mathias Ernst als Panelist
Thema: Investing in Cutting Edge Impactful Technologies: Direct and Co-Investment.
10. November 2020
Virtual Impact Investing Forum 2020, Opal Group, New York City, USA
Mathias Ernst als Panelist
Thema: Fossil Fuels vs Clean Renewable Energy: Addressing Climate Change and Environmental Preservation Investment Strategies.
10. September 2020
Virtual Direct Investment Forum 2020, Opal Group, New York City, USA
Mathias Ernst als Moderator
Thema: Exploring Distressed Assets from the Fallout of COVID-19
5. – 6. August 2020
Virtual Family Office Investment Symposium, Opal Group, New York City, USA
Mathias Ernst als Panelist
Thema: Creating an Impact Portfolio: Total Portfolio Construction Strategies
8. Juli 2020
Virtual ESG Investment Forum 2020, Opal Group, New York City, USA
Mathias Ernst als Moderator
Thema: Corporate Purpose and ESG Investing
26. Februar 2020
Rotary E-Club Wall Street, New York City, USA
Mathias Ernst als Speaker
Thema: Entrepreneurial Families – Family values and challenges of implementing the UN SDG goals in the family business.
7. Oktober 2019
Building Bridges Week, Where Finance & SDGs Connect, Think Tank Hub foraus, WMO Building, Geneva, Switzerland.
Mathias Ernst als Experte auf Panel
Thema: The Financial Industry And The Challenges Of Word Agriculture: Addressing the Challenges of World Agriculture with the Help of the Financial Sector.
Juli 2018
Essentia Futura International expandiert nach Europa, Lissabon, Portugal.
6. – 7. Juni 2018
New York Business Group, Global Private Wealth Forum, Metropolitan Club, New York City, USA
Mathias Ernst als Moderator
Thema: Elite Investor Insights: Navigating Current Global Realities & Managing Investments through Volatility.
7. – 8. November 2017
Weston Hill, Global Private Wealth Forum, JW Marriott, Miami, USA
Mathias Ernst als Experte on Family Governance Panel
Thema: Family & Business Governance during Times of Uncertainty.
17. – 18. Oktober 2017
Weston Hill, Global Private Wealth Forum, The Petroleum Club, Dallas, USA
Mathias Ernst als Experte on Family Governance Panel
Thema: Upholding Family Governance Fundamentals during Times of Uncertainty.
18. – 19. Mai 2017
New York Business Group, Global Investor Forum, Hotel Vila Magna, Madrid, Spain
Mathias Ernst als Keynote Speaker
Thema: Key Principles of Governance for Corporations and Families in times of Uncertainty.
3. – 4. November 2016
Weston Hill, Global Private Wealth Forum, JW Marriott Marquis, Miami, USA
Mathias Ernst als Experte on Family Governance Panel
Thema: Family Governance
4. Mai 2015
Essentia Futura International Event, Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, Miami, USA
Thema: Art and Philanthropy in a World in Transformation